In a year filled with uncertainty, change and growth, our organisation continued to cement its position as a leading provider of youth mental health services. In doing so, we created positive connections and supported the mental wellbeing of young people, families and communities.
While navigating the challenges and lowlights of the year, there were also many highlights:
- Supported a record-breaking 6,090 young people, a 34 per cent increase on the previous year
- Engaged almost 6,000 students, parents, teachers and community members through workplace and school education programs
- Introduced a Vocational Support Program to help young people with mental health issues gain meaningful employment and education
- Launched a new headspace satellite in Northam
- Introduced a range of new group programs including one to specifically support young people experiencing anxiety
- Raised more than $1.9 million through the Hawaiian Ride for Youth, despite the event cancellation due to COVID-19
- Introduced a specialist eating disorders counselling and support program at headspace Albany
- Expanded and diversified the Board of Directors
- Continued to develop a Reconciliation Action Plan, due to launch in early 2021
- Significantly expanded outreach programs to support vulnerable regional and remote communities
- Hosted an exclusive new fundraising event PANORAMA which raised more than $135,000
- Launched inaugural Walk for Me virtual fundraising event
- Youth Focus and headspace Albany named finalists in the WA Mental Health Awards
For more highlights, find our Annual Report here.