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Micah’s work placement success

Micah joined headspace Midland’s Individual Placement & Support (IPS) program in July 2022 while still at school, in an attempt to find his first job.

Micah and his IPS specialist Joe were both aware that Micah’s work experience and limited availability would be the main hurdle, so put a plan in place to prepare Micah for employment upon his graduation from school.

Not long after Micah’s graduation, he began getting interview requests in response to his online applications. His third interview was successful.

Micah commenced employment at an appliance store in December as a Christmas casual, although shifts began to drop off after the Christmas rush.

Following this, Joe and Micah established what an ideal employer looks like, and what was important to Micah in his next job. Joe also stayed in touch with his contact at a previous interview, passing on Micah’s updated resume.

Within a couple of days, Micah was sent an interview request, and finally a job offer!

Micah is now working on a part-time basis with an employer who is supportive and offering consistent hours based on Micah’s preferences.

Joe has seen a huge improvement to Micah’s mental health and attitude.

Well done, Micah!