Supporting young people and their mental health and vocational goals.
Youth Focus offers a free Individual Placement and Support program from our Youth Focus offices and headspace centres in Midland, Geraldton and Albany that helps our young clients with mental health challenges obtain and sustain employment that they are interested in and passionate about.
We can also assist in finding training or education courses that will help develop skills to increase your chances of securing work.
It’s all about finding your pathway, working together to overcome barriers and supporting you to achieve your goals.

Who can access this service?
Any young person who is engaged in counselling services with Youth Focus and is willing and motivated to find employment or complete education to gain new skills. This service is also offered by headspace Albany, Geraldton and Midland.
How does it work?
Individual Placement and Support is complementary to clinical support. The vocational specialist and your counsellor will work closely, sharing information and ideas to improve your wellbeing.
The vocational specialist will meet with you regularly, outside of your normal counselling sessions to help you with:
- Identifying employment, training or education that you may be interested in and assisting in the application process
- Creating or updating a resume and cover letter
- Looking for work
- Preparing for an interview
- Working with any existing support providers and Centrelink
- Advice for starting a new job
- Talking to your employer about your mental health barriers so that you feel safe and supported
- Ongoing support to keep you mentally well
Download the support pathway map here.
How do I sign up?
If you’d like to participate in our Individual Placement and Support, please talk to your counsellor. They will then set up a meeting with you and the vocational specialist. We will work then closely together to support you throughout your journey.
Information for employers
We can assist employers in connecting with young people who are seeking work that aligns with your business goals, values and culture.
You will be introduced to a young person that is willing and motivated to learn and grow within your business. At the same time, you’ll be giving back to the community by giving a young person an opportunity to gain knowledge and experience.
We will equip you with resources to support the mental health of your employee.
For more information, download the brochure here.
If you’re an employer and would like to participate in the program or have any questions, please call reception on 08 6266 4333.
If you require urgent mental health support, please attend your nearest hospital emergency department or call:
- Mental Health Emergency Response Line on 1300 555 788
- Rurallink on 1800 552 002
- CAMHS Crisis Connect: 1800 048 636
- Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
- Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
- Lifeline on 13 11 14
- 13Yarn on 13 93 76
To enquire about the services we can provide for you, or someone you know, please call:
(08) 6266 4333 More contact information