Our Individual Placement and Support program exists to help young people aged 12 to 25 overcome mental-health barriers o finding, gaining and sustaining employment and/or education.
The IPS program integrates employment and vocational services with clinical mental health and non-vocational support. It focuses on the individual needs of young people with mental-health challenges who are seeking to enter, or remain in, education and employment.
By working with a counsellor and a vocational specialist, clients receive mental health support while being guided to identify employment or training opportunities, create resumes and cover letters, actively seek work and prepare for interviews.
With programs offered from Burswood and the Perth metropolitan area, Albany, Midland and Geraldton, Youth Focus is one of the largest providers of the Individual Placement and Support program for young Western Australians with mental health challenges.
Excitingly, the Youth Focus Burswood Individual Placement Support program was recently approached by the Western Australian Association for Mental Health’s IPS Works and asked to trial the IPS Youth Model as part of research with Rockwell University (USA).
This research will provide further data towards the validation of a youth-specific IPS model. Youth Focus is extremely honoured and excited to be at the forefront of IPS and the growth within the industry and the model itself.