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Building resilience in the south west

Year 9 and 10 girls from Collie Senior High School celebrated the end of the 10-week Shooting Stars “Deadly Minds” program at a community event at Collie Roche Rec Centre.

Under the guidance of Nadyiah, a Youth Focus Counsellor, the girls learned how to recognise and name their emotions; how to develop strategies for emotional regulation; how to implement positive coping strategies; and how to build healthy relationships.

The community event at Collie Roche was a celebration of the completion of the program. The event encompassed all aspects from the program into a full day of interaction. Youth Focus was invited to participate alongside other local health service providers, offering activities such as:

  • A breathwork game using feathers, which encouraged and educated participants on diaphragmatic breathing
  • An interactive, drama-inspired game promoting leadership, communication, resilience and working together
  • Pledge art canvas, in which participants were invited to pledge a commitment to their mental health and draw a symbol of something that represents ‘resilience’

The event provided a platform for the girls to further develop and apply the skills that they have learned and to be celebrated for what they have achieved.