Get Help Help Someone Else

If you’re worried about a friend or family member who seems sad, agitated or withdrawn, it might be time to talk to them about it.

Getting a friend to open up about emotional stuff can be difficult. However, if you’re really worried about them, it’s important to take action. There are things you can do to make the conversation run as smoothly as possible.

Click here for more helpful resources for young people, parents and carers.

Pick the right location

Pick somewhere comfortable and private. Chances are this chat will be on the serious side, so you don’t want other people listening in. 

Remove any distractions

If your friend is thinking about something else, they might not be in the right frame of mind to have an honest conversation. Try to get them to focus without making a big deal out of it. Making eye contact is a good way to get their attention.

Be a good listener

You can make a huge difference just by listening to your friend. It’s okay to feel nervous, but try and use relaxed body language. Not crossing your arms and legs, and facing your friend square on shows them you really care. Give them space to open up to you.

Don’t push it

If they’re not ready to talk, let them know you’re completely fine with that. If they really don’t want help, don’t give up on them, just be patient. If you feel they’re not comfortable in talking to you at all, suggest that they chat to a trusted family member.

If things are really bad or your friend has been considering self-harm, remain calm and stay with them. Encourage them to seek professional help and – if you’re worried about their safety – let someone know, even if they’ve asked you not to.

Some conversations are too big for family and friends to take on alone. If your friend has been going through a rough patch for a long time, it’s a good idea to have a chat with them about seeking professional help.

Take care of yourself

Helping someone may require boundaries. For example, you might decide that you’re not prepared to miss school because of them, or that you won’t take phone calls after midnight. Your mental health matters, too. 

If you require urgent mental health support, please attend your nearest hospital emergency department or call:

For phone counselling support, please contact:

To enquire about the services we can provide for you, or someone you know, please call:

(08) 6266 4333 More contact information