Important information for Youth Focus clients
Youth Focus is closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation and has today taken further steps to mitigate the risk of transmission through our service provision.
Our decisions have considered our strong commitment to the vital mental health services and programs we deliver to young people, our people and the communities in which we operate while adhering to government directives and latest advice from leading health authorities.
The following changes have been made to the delivery of our services and programs:
- All Youth Focus services in areas impacted by the lockdown (Perth and Peel), including face-to-face counselling at offices, schools and outreach centres (including community centres) and vocational support will transition to digital and telephone delivery, where possible.
- The Youth Focus intake team is operating as usual, and is available to accept referrals.
- The headspace Midland Early Psychosis Program will continue to operate with a core team to support clients in the community through its clinical services model.
- Youth Focus operated headspace centres in Midland and Northam will also transition to digital and telephone-based service delivery, where appropriate. Centre staff will liaise with their clients and local community as these changes are implemented.
- Unaffected regional sites will continue to operate as business as usual.
- Staff will contact clients over the coming days regarding upcoming appointments and changes to service delivery.
- Face-to-face community engagement and education services have ceased due to current WA government restrictions.
- All group-based programs affected by the lockdown will temporarily be paused.
- Staff have transitioned to work from home where possible.
We would like to reassure all clients that confidentially remains paramount, no matter the method in which counselling sessions are conducted.
Where telephone services are not accessible, we will work closely with clients and communities to create alternative approaches. We are committed to responding creatively to the emerging needs of our young people, their families and wider community and understand the importance of continuing to provide critical mental health support at this challenging time.
More information regarding the specific operational impact on local services and programs can be obtained from local staff. Contact details are available here.
We’re here for you. If you, or a young person you know, needs further support or information, please call us on (08) 6266 4333.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stressed by the changing COVID-19 situation and lockdown, please be reassured that this is a normal response. It’s important to go easy on yourself and take time for self-care.
Click here for tips, activities and online support to promote positive mental health. If it all gets too much, please reach out to someone you trust: a friend, family member, loved one or a professional support service.
For emergency support and other services:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
Stay safe. Together, we will get through this.
Arthur Papakotsias