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Leadership Forum 1 2021

Friday, 12 March 2021

The first face to face Leadership Forum for 2021 is an opportunity to bring the leaders of the organisation together to continue to get to know each other, collaborate on organisational areas for improvement and discuss topics that extend our leadership knowledge that we can bring back to our centres, teams and roles.

We have an exciting guest speaker, an opportunity to work on our Future Focus actions, a team activity and a group delve into Leading in Uncertainty. There will be a dinner planned on the Thursday evening so keep an eye out for the calendar invite for this.

Please RSVP by Friday 26 February with dietary requirements (you can also place any accessibility requests in the dietary requirements field). Further event details are below.


EVENT: Leadership Forum 1 2021
DATE: Friday 12 March 2021
TIME: 8:45am for a 9am start – 4pm
VENUE: Woodside Learning Studios WA Museum, Boola Bardip, Perth Cultural Centre

RSVP by Friday 26 February with dietary requirements