Youth Focus is here for you.
We know that talking about your mental health can feel awkward or difficult at first. We’ll be guided by what you tell us you need – after all, you’re the expert on your life.

We're here to help.
To read about how Youth Focus can support you, check out our Welcome Pack. If you need further support or information, please call (08) 6266 4333.
If you require urgent mental health support, please attend your nearest hospital emergency department or call:
- Mental Health Emergency Response Line on 1300 555 788
- Rurallink on 1800 552 002
- CAMHS Crisis Connect: 1800 048 636
For phone counselling support, please contact:
- Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
- Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
- Lifeline on 13 11 14
- 13Yarn on 13 93 76
To enquire about the services we can provide for you, or someone you know, please call:
(08) 6266 4333 More contact information