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Highlights of 2021

In a transformational year for Youth Focus and the young people in our care, our free and accessible support was more relevant than ever, and our position as a leading mental health provider was more important than ever before. Read about our key highlights below.


  • Supported 4,599 young people through 35,638 occasions of service from our six offices, four headspace centres, and several outreach locations
  • Engaged a record-breaking 7,696 students, parents, teachers, and community members through school, community and workplace education programs
  • Awarded the Lifeline WA Prevention or Promotion Award at the prestigious Western Australian Association for Mental Health 2021 Mental Health Awards, and for the first time, sponsored the Youth Focus Innovation for Change Award
  • Expanded our vocational support offering to include headspace Geraldton as well as our existing programs in Perth and Peel regions, Albany and Midland, becoming one of the largest providers of WA Association for Mental Health accredited Individual Placement and Support
  • Introduced new evidence-based programs to support young people with a range of headspace social and emotional group therapy programs, Managing Anxiety, Behaviour Exchange and Systems Therapy, and other mental health issues
  • Developed new social and emotional wellbeing services in Meekatharra in partnership with the community to provide holistic support to young people
  • Launched our inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan, working with Elders and representatives from across all Youth Focus locations. We are deeply committed to change and delivering the Plan, and have made significant process in terms of timelines and actions
  • Finalised co-design principles to form an agreed definition of safe and high-quality services, resulting in our own Guiding Principles that underpin a Quality, Safety and Clinical Governance Framework that will launch in 2022
  • Began transition from being an Incorporated Associated to Company Limited by Guarantee
  • Improved corporate governance by introducing a Quality, Safety and Clinical Governance Sub-Committee and Fundraising and Partnerships Sub-Committee of the Board
  • Began to reshape our shared sense of organisational identity by transitioning to a regional model incorporating staffing and structure reviews
  • Raised more than $2.4M through the Hawaiian Ride for Youth, Walk for Me, PANORAMA, end of financial campaign, Auction of Promises, and other fundraising activities
  • Launched the historic 20th anniversary Hawaiian Ride for Youth with a record number of riders set to participate in March 2022
  • Launched M8D8, a campaign that captivated thousands of young men to educate and raise awareness of mental health issues while challenging the perception of young guys taking their mates on a date and encouraging meaningful conversations
  • Marched in Pride Parade 2021 to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community, diversity, and inclusion in Western Australia
  • Established new corporate and community partnerships with BHP, Hesperia, West Coast Eagles, WA Cricket Association, and The Stephen Michaels Foundation