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2021 Hawaiian Ride for Youth | Peloton Training & Nutrition Seminar #2

Thursday, 24 September 2020

As part of your 2021 HRFY journey, you are invited to attend a Nutrition & Training Information Session. This session is to assist you in your preparation for the Hawaiian Ride for Youth as we approach training kick-off, and will include up to date information on sports nutrition as well as the official Hawaiian Ride for Youth training schedule.

Please note, attendance is compulsory for any new riders, and attendance of all riders is strongly encouraged.

Details for the event are:

Date: Thursday, 24th September 2020

Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Venue: Trench Health and Fitness | Seminar Room
17 Lemnos Street, Shenton Park

RSVP: By Wednesday, 23rd September 2020