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Resignation of Chief Executive Officer Arthur Papakotsias

Youth Focus advises that following almost four years as Chief Executive Officer, Arthur Papakotsias has tendered his resignation. Mr Papakotsias has provided five months’ notice and anticipates departing Youth Focus in February 2023.

Mr Papakotsias commented “A new three-year Strategic Plan is in development and the organisation is in a position of strength, which creates the ideal opportunity to hand over the leadership to a new CEO.”

Mr Papakotsias was appointed CEO of Youth Focus in January 2019 and over the past three and a half years has led the organisation through positive change and transformation to build strong foundations for years to come.

Youth Focus Chair Dean Hely commented “Arthur has guided and lead Youth Focus through some turbulent times in our community.”

“On behalf of the Board I would like to thank Arthur for his hard work, dedication to continually improving our service offering and for working to ensure the organisation has a solid platform to grow and continue to service the young people of Western Australia into the future,” said Mr Hely.

Mr Papakotsias says that he is pleased to leave Youth Focus in a solid position, with an outstanding team, improved service and program models and a revitalised financial position.

“Moreover, I’m pleased that the crucial youth mental health services of Youth Focus and its headspace centres continue to deliver quality and safe outcomes for young people.”

“I acknowledge the outstanding work of our professional teams of committed, passionate people who strive to make a positive difference to young people every day of the year. I also acknowledge the voluntary work of our Board and thank Chair Dean Hely for his leadership and support,” Mr Papakotsias said.

As of February 2023, Mr Papakotsias desires to take a much-deserved career break while exploring other opportunities.

The Board of Youth Focus will begin recruiting for a new CEO immediately.