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Rod Jones is the new Youth Focus Chair

After eight years of dedication and commitment, Dean Hely is finishing his term as Chair on the Youth Focus Board of Directors, as he hands the baton to Rod Jones.  

Dean has been a tireless champion of youth mental health in the Western Australian community. During his time as Chair, he has played an important role in enhancing the accessibility and impact of the high-quality, accredited services delivered by Youth Focus.  

Dean leaves a legacy of strong governance and strategic foundations, and as an experienced business leader Rod will be well-positioned to continue the momentum for Youth Focus as he steps into the role of Chair.  

Rod has been a key part of the Youth Focus Board of Directors since 2020. He is the founder and Chair of Navitas, a global leader in the development and provision of educational services and learning solutions for students in 22 countries.  

Rod is widely recognised as one of the pioneers of Australia’s international education sector, and has received several awards for his service to international education, including an honorary Doctor of Education from Edith Cowan University.  

Rod is passionate about youth mental health and the difference that tailored services can make in changing young lives. 

“I have seen first-hand how important Youth Focus’ youth-specific mental health services are for young people, and I’m proud to step into this leadership role on the Board of Directors,” says Rod.  

As Chair, Rod’s vast experience and business acumen will support Youth Focus to deliver the key priorities in the newly launched Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026.  

“The focus of our new Strategic Plan is on impact, partnerships, accessibility and sustainability, and together with the other members of the Youth Focus Board of Directors, I look forward to helping bring this plan to life.” 

Joining the Board is experienced lawyer Framy Anne Browne. Framy is the lead Partner of Lavan’s Family Law team, and has extensive experience as a not-for-profit board director. 

In welcoming Framy, and celebrating Rod’s appointment to the role of Chair, the Board and staff of Youth Focus express their gratitude and appreciation for Dean’s leadership and his contribution as a Director for nearly a decade.